The commitment statement

EXAMPLE – Commitment Statement structure

Version No. Distributed Date Distributed by Name, Organisation Summary of Changes
  1. This Commitment Statement is between:
Name XXXXX Contact Phone & Email
Apprentice Normal Place of Work- Organisation & Address XXXXX
Contracted working hours per week XXXXX
NI Number XXXXX ULN (if known):


Employer Organisation XXXXX
Name Course leader Contact Phone & Email
University Organisation University of Brighton xxxxx
Role Course leader xxxxx
  1. About This Commitment Statement:
  • This Commitment Statement summarises the schedule, roles and responsibilities, and funding that supports the successful completion of this apprenticeship.
  • The information set out in this document forms part of the evidence pack required for every apprentice and it must be signed and dated, and the latest version held by the employer, the apprentice and the training provider named in section 1 above, before the apprenticeship can start.
  • All three parties must hold a signed copy of the latest version before the start and for the duration of the apprenticeship.
  • The Commitment Statement is intended to be used at, and to inform the regular tri-partite reviews between training provider, employer and apprentice parties that take place during the lifetime of the apprenticeship.
  • If, during the apprenticeship, anything acts to change a name, term or clause in this document, this must be raised with the other two named contacts below. Any changes must be discussed and agreed by all three parties, then the document must be signed, dated and reissued to all three parties.
  • This document is complementary to and will be stored with the Contract for Services.
  1. The Apprenticeship covered by this Commitment Statement
Apprenticeship Standard Podiatrist Level 6
Start Date September 2020 Planned gateway & EPA Commencement Date June 2023 Planned End Date September 2023
  1. Apprenticeship Review Schedule & Attendees
Review Schedule Frequency Attendees Name & Job Title
Apprentice/Tutor Reviews Once each semester (2 per year) University xxxxx
Apprentice XXXX
Progress Reviews (Employer/ Apprentice/ Provider) Three times per year. University xxxxx
Employer XXXX
Apprentice XXXX
  1. Further Help and Guidance on Key Processes
Day to Day Contacts First Point of Contact:
Name & Role  
Contact email


Dr Stewart Morrison
Student Sices The student services team perform a wide range of operations throughtout your course. When starting out the following link outlines the range of different operations depending on individuals needs










Key Processes First Point of Contact
Name & Role, Location, Contact, email/phone
Process in Brief
Attendance & Absence Marian Allistone

Course adminstrator

Please email Marian if you are off so we can let staff know
PREVENT & Safeguarding Your safeguarding lead within your Trust

Any member of academic staff at the University

Clinical staff will have safeguarding training as do staff within the podiatry team
Raising queries, concerns or complaints About Work Talk to your line manage or apprenticeship educator
About your apprenticeship Contact the course leader or your personal tutor
Data Sharing


Key Policies & Documents Title Where these are stored
The Student Charter and Student Contract Accessible via the University website and Student Central
Using Student Central/My Studies Course Handbook
Student Handbook contains key policies and documents with links to these Course Handbook