Off the job training log
Apprentices are required to complete at least 20% ‘off the job’ learning. The off the job log proposed captures should be completed monthly. The academic component of the podiatry programme facilitates far more than the 20% baseline required.
Apprenticeship Off-the-Job Training Log
Off-the-job training is training received by the apprentice, during their normal working hours, for the purpose of achieving the knowledge, skills and behaviours of the approved apprenticeship. Off-the-job training may include training that is delivered at the apprentice’s normal place of work or on other sites, such as the University campus. It can include regular day release, block release and special training days/workshops; the teaching of theory (for example, lectures, role playing, simulation exercises, online learning, and manufacturer training); practical training, shadowing, mentoring, industry visits, and participation in competitions; or learning support and time spent writing assessments/assignments.
At least 20% of the apprentice’s normal working hours, over the planned duration of the training period within the apprenticeship must be spent on off the-job training and it is a statutory requirement in the funding rules (August 2019) for these hours to be captured and tracked. It is recognised that off the-job raining hours may not be evenly spread throughout the training programme and that Apprentices may need more than 20% off-the-job training.
However, this must add up to at least 20% of normal working hours before an Apprentice is ready to progress through the Gateway to End Point Assessment.
To enable us to confirm that you have met this requirement, please use the following Training log to capture your off-the job training hours each month. Please return this form to the Podiatry Course Administrator and copy in the Apprenticeship Lead and your Year Tutor. Place a monthly in your portfolio of evidence.
Apprenticeship: Podiatrist degree apprenticeship
Personal Tutor or Course Leader
Type of OTJ training | Hours Spent | Any Additional Notes / Brief summary of activity |
Attending Lectures or Tutor-led sessions | ||
Group-work | ||
E-Learning, webinars or studies accessed through the Virtual Learning Environment | ||
Self-Study / reading / research / watching training videos etc – This will be mapped as hours when you are released from your own employed role but not engaged in scheduled teaching or placement | ||
Work shadowing, industry visits, external placements not within your usual employed role | ||
learning support and time spent writing assessments/assignments. | ||
Mentor meetings
UoB Apprenticeships Briefing Doc/OTJ Log/ Sept 19/V1
Specialist industry training events, conferences or trade shows | ||||
Other | ||||
Total Hours this Month |